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Three months later, Mike’s After Bankruptcy Credit Score is 681

Robert Weed

Three months later, Mike’s After Bankruptcy Credit Score is 681

Last Friday, Mike sent me this screenshot, showing his after bankruptcy credit score is 681.

After bankruptcy credit score

Three months later, Mike sent me this screenshot.  Mike’s after bankruptcy credit score is 681.

A 681 credit score is, barely, considered a “good” score by Experian and CreditKarma. 

Mike had filed bankruptcy with me in April and it was approved and done in September.  So his score was what many lenders would call “good” just three months after bankruptcy.

Mike and I did a little extra work to get there.

I tell people that your credit score two months after bankruptcy, should be between 600 and 640, according to studies done for the Federal Reserve.  

Mike’s score was a little low, so I told him to send me his credit report, so we could look at it together.  

Together we found the culprit.  His credit union reported him as late for the four months he was going through the bankruptcy.  Then they got it right.

It seemed like a small thing, but Mike and I disputed it.  

The 681 credit score was the result.

Your After Bankruptcy Credit Score is Part of My Five Year Warranty.

I encourage all my clients to send me their credit reports, if their after bankruptcy credit score is less than 600.

That’s part of my five year warranty. 

For most people, bankruptcy is a powerful tool for credit repair.  That’s why it’s so important for a bankruptcy lawyer to also understand the Fair Credit Reporting Act.  

If your credit report and credit score have after bankruptcy mistakes, then you haven’t really gotten the fresh start that’s your right under the bankruptcy law.

All I Do is Bankruptcy Law.

That includes checking your after bankruptcy credit report and after bankruptcy credit score.

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